Title of the position: Family Physician (NOC 31102)
Terms of employment: permanent, full-time position
Job Duties:
- Examine patients and their histories, order laboratory tests, X-rays and other diagnostic procedures
- Consult with other medical practitioners to evaluate patients' physical and mental health
- Prescribe and administer medications and treatments
- Perform and assist in routine surgery
- Provide emergency care
- Provide acute care management
- Vaccinate patients to prevent and treat diseases
- Provide pre-natal and post-natal care
- Advise patients and their families on health care including health promotion, disease, illness and accident prevention
- Provide counselling and support to patients and their families on a wide range of health and lifestyle issues
- Perform patient advocacy role
- Co-ordinate or manage primary patient care
- Provide continuous care to patients
Skills requirements: Certification from the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), and registration/licensure from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)
Language of work: English
Wage: Payment provided via fee-for-service billing (the wage range of 260K-500K/year) - to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)
All Location(s) of work: both locations
Contact information for applicants: marklandwood@doctor.com (Attn: Sunny)